Ignite was founded in January 2022 by Miles Agee, a local real estate agent who is passionate about supporting the city's educators. Growing up with a mother in education and being impacted by many teachers in his life, Miles believes that the community should prioritize supporting those who are responsible for its foundation. He finds joy in making new friends and believes that a genuine laugh can bring people together.

In his quest to understand the needs of educators, Miles reached out to Sarah Hunter, who was then teaching at Chimborazo Elementary. Sarah brought a much-needed teacher's perspective and heart of warmth to the team.

Together with Maria Tabacchi, a local non-profit project manager with experience serving underprivileged and underserved populations, Miles and Sarah set out to make a positive impact on the city. Their philosophy is simple: empower those who are responsible for guiding the future generations of the city. With their diverse backgrounds and shared passion, they aim to ensure that educators have the support they need to shape the future of the community.

  • Our Mission

    To reinvigorate teachers  professional experience and curate a learning environment filled with passion and fun for students and teachers. This inspires engagement of children in classrooms.

  • Our Environment

    We focus on primary education classrooms of Richmond Public Schools. With a yearly follow up, our organization cultivates and develops relationships made with RPS teachers to ensure the supplies we provide are aiding in student success.

  • The Results

    To reinvigorate teachers  professional experience and curate a learning environment filled with passion and fun for students and teachers. This inspires engagement of children in classrooms.